Traveling? Vacation? Looking for a Confessional and Liturgical Lutheran Church? Find a confessional and liturgical Lutheran church!
Do you know of the great work god is doing in Africa? Learn more about the faithful Lutheran mission and excellent seminary in Kenya!
On the road? Going for a walk? Don't have time to read? Listen to Issues, Etc. You'll hear good theology and Lutheran takes on current events!
Lutheran Satire is a project intended to teach the Lutheran faith through comedic videos, music, writings, industrial welding supplies, and other forms of media.
¿Estás buscando excelentes sermones luteranos en español? Haga clic aquí para escuchar los sermones del Redo. Sergio Maita, pastor de la Iglesia Luterana, Pan de Vida, en la Republica Dominicana.
¿Está buscando lo que los luteranos creen, enseñan y confiesan? ¡Haga clic aquí para conocer más sobre la fe Luterana y sobre nuestra misión en Puerto Rico!
The German word Gottesdienst means "God's Service." This website offers great writing, podcasts, and journals covering what's happening in the service and in the world!
What does it mean to be "pro-life"? Lutherans For Life exists to equip Lutherans and their neighbors to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life.